The builiding in which we filmed the thriller opening in is an old victorian house where many people have lived, when first enterting this buiding we could see that the old style rooms and staricases would be extremly useful for our thriller opening. The arched shaped window at the top of the house was used for the ending clip showing when the two victims have been captured and being dragged away from the room.
The screen shot at the side is showing where we filmed part of the thriller opening. We decided to use this side pathy because we felt as a group that it was easier to film and it was right next to our main location. The shot that was filmed here was when the two victims were walking down the path before noticing the old and mysterious house the the left.
When filming our thriller opening the weather described the type of mood that we were wanting to portray ( Pathetic Fallacy). Around the area that we filmed there were blown off leaves on the ground which were bright and colourful and deep puddles which helped to show what time of the year the thriller opening was filmed in and what mood the characters were feeling.
For our thriller opening we were wanting to keep the costumes plain but yet effective. When we finally decided on what idea we were wanting to film for our thriller opening we had to decided what each and every character had to wear. We also had to consider what we would wear depending on the weather on the day of filming.
Victim number 2 ( Played by Eddie) - For this character we wanted to keep my clothing more simple yet effective. The character that I was playing was less outgoing than her other friend and was more of the sensible type of girl. However I feel that the character I played was more of an upper class character. I decided to wear a black wax jacket with a plain blue jumper. As our characters were walking through the woods myself and Bronwyn had to wear the correct type of footwear that any regular girls would wear. I decided to wear my pink hunter Wellington boots as did Bronwyn.
At first when we decided to film this thriller opening we did not think much about the make-up as we felt that we could of stuck with our normal day to day looks. However when we arrived at our main location as a group we decided to change that. For the first few scenes of the thriller opening myself and Bronwyn kept to our idea of having our normal make-up looks to show that nothing major had happened at that moment in time. But later on during the course of the day we felt that this look was rather plain and did not show how the characters were feeling or what emotions they were portraying. After filming the kidnap scene myself and Bronwyn smudged all of our face and eye makeup to show that these two characters had either been out in the rain or had water thrown upon them. We made our faces look paler and my gaunt to show that time has passed on since the two girls had been kidnapped and to show the audience what they looked like now ( almost ghost like. After watching our opening through we could see that through the time of filming our make-up had become old and less attractive to look at.
When we decided to create this thriller opening we knew as a group that we wanted to have one of the main girls voices narrating about their experience with the stalker and what had actually happened to her to create a sense of mystery and suspense for the audience. During the course of the day the wind had picked up rather a lot when filming however as a group we felt that this was a rather good thing as it helped to create the type of mood that we were wanting to portray to the audience. Within our opening we wanted to include lots of natural sound effects eg leaves blowing, birds singing , and trees swaying. We did not want to include sound effect from the internet for example the sound of someone screaming, as we felt that this would make the opening seem fake and less effective towards the audience.
As a group we wanted the lighting to be dark and dull to show the emotions of the characters through the use of light. As we were going to film inside a house we thought that the lighting would natural and consistent however when arriving at the location of the thriller opening we realised that the lighting was not as we expected. There were some strong lights coming through some of the windows so we decided to go into a more darkened area of the house to film the more eery and tense parts. However for the beginning shots we went into a bedroom where the light was particually strong, this helped to show how the two main girls were feeling at the beginning of the thriller opening. Later on for the final shots we decided to have the two main girls standing at and arch window at the top of the house. When watching the ending shots over I felt that this was one of our strongest shots as the lighting within that part of the house was rather drab and moronic.
Before shooting as a group we had to come up with which person is playing which character within the thriller. The difficulty we had with this is that we needed one extra person to play to stalker as the other member of the group was having to film each shot. When going to ask our tutor about this we found out that it would be alot harder to borrow someone from another year as we thought it would. After having a group meeting we had to come to conclusion of that each member of the group would have to take it in turns to film each shot as we would all have to play the stalker in different shots. During the filming I felt that this technique worked out better than we thought as each of us got a chance to act and an opportunity to film.
Thriller film Audience Research
What I wanted to find out
- What the audience would expect within a Thriller Film?
- What are the audiences favourite Thriller films that they have watched in the past?
- What the audience would like to see more of within Thriller films?
- How many times a week would an audience member watch a Thriller ?
- What location do they like the Thriller to be set in ?
- The use of questionaires
- Interviews
- The use of the internet
- Asking friends/ family members their views
1) Are you Male or Female
From looking at the responses of the questionnaire we could determine that more females answered the questionaire than men. Which showed that more females tend to take a large interest in Thriller genre compared to males from this result.
2. How many times a week would you watch a Thriller movie?
a) 0-2 b) 2-4 c) 4-6 ( Times a week)
We also wanted to see how often people watched Thriller movies so we could analyse if they are film lovers or just the occasional film watcher. When looking at the results most people only watched films 0-2 times a week, which is an average amount to watch films showing us that people who answered the questionnaire are the general public and not phonetics.
3) How old are you ?
a) 0-10 b) 10-20 c) 20-30 d) 30-40 e) 40 plus
We received a variety of age responses but the age range with the most responses was the age group was 30-40 years of age. Showing us that the thriller genre appeals to the older generation compared to the younger generation.
Where would you prefer the location of the thriller opening to be ?
a) Dark wood b) School c) Abandoned House d) Desert Land
As a group we wanted to see what kind of location general members of the public would prefer a thriller to be set in. We received a variety of responses to this type of question but the largest answer was a Dark Wood. Showing us that this location is one that my group should consider to film in for our Thriller opening.
5) What has been the most recent Thriller movie you have seen ?
a) Dark Knight b ) Psycho c) Sin City d) Room 1408
We wanted to get an idea about the types of thrillers that have already been viewed by the people who answered our questionnaire. We found that " The Dark Knight" was the most popular which could be because it has many sub genres in it such as, Comic Book, adaptation, action and psychological.
6) Do you like Thriller Movies?
We knew that the majority of the people who answered our questionnaire were interested in Thriller Films and that they appealed to them as the result has shown.
Target Audience
To obtain a reliable target audience, we created a questionaire on the subject of Thriller movies to help us to determine a specific target audience. The questions were sent to a variety of individuals so that the result was not biased. We also asked questions relevant to trailers and posters as we would have more research to help us when planning our own thriller opening.
After receiving the results of the questionnaire I could easily see that many of the general public that we had asked preferred a type of Thriller movie which had a location of the forest rather than a school location. This result may have come about at the forest location is a lot eerier and more mysterious when comparing to a more educational setting. Also within a Thriller movie the viewers wrote down that they would expect to see gun fights, highway chases and some drug uses. However when analysing this questionnaire I could see that not many people as expected watched many Thriller Movie's. This could be because of the high certificate rating or that maybe some viewers may not enjoy them as much as other genre of movie's.
Excellent evidence of planning here.
ReplyDeleteEasily a Level 4 at the moment.
One thing missing: audience research, questionnaire, results and analysis.